Last update:Thu, 05 Sep 2024

Reminder - Webinar "The Art of Approaching a Buyer" on 31st August

Webinar3A gentle REMINDER to register for the Embassy Webinar Series III scheduled
to be held on 31st August on “ The Art of Approaching a Buyer “ in Agri
Products Sector aimed at sharing expertise on how to identify, approach and
attract the right buyer for your products in the Agri products sector.

Please register through link below before 26th August

Another successful webinar on "The Art Approaching Buyers in Agri Products Sector" concluded on 31 August with over 180 participants

Webinar3This is the 3rd in the webinar series being organized by the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Germany in collaboration with the IPD Berlin and Sri Lanka Export Development Board focusing on Agri sector exports to Germany and EU.

Webinar on “ The Art of Approaching a Buyer" in Agri Products Sector

Webinar3We are pleased to invite you to join the 3rd of the webinar series being organized by the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Germany in collaboration with Export Development Board of Sri Lanka and Import Promotion Desk of Berlin on the topic "The Art of Approaching a Buyer “ in Agri Products Sector on 31st August 2021 from 1430 (IST) (1100 Hrs CET) onwards. The webinar is aimed at sharing expertise on how to identify, approach and attract the right buyer for your products in the Agri products sector.

Ambassador Unambuwe meets Naturland representatives

NaturalandAmbassador of Sri Lanka to Germany, HE Manori Unambuwe held successful discussions with Mr. Steffen Reese, Managing Director of Naturland, Mr. Marco Schlueter, Management Strategy and International Affairs, and Ms. Sandra Meyr, Head of International Department, on collaboration with Sri Lanka on its transition to organic agriculture, on 20th July at the Naturland Head Office in Munich.

Ambassador Unambuwe meets officials of BayWa AG

BayWa AGSuccessful discussions were held with Mr. Jörg Migende, Chief Business Development Officer Agriculture and Digital Farming, Mr. Benedikt Mangold, Head of Global Produce, and Dr. Heike Bach, Executive Director of BayWa AG on collaboration with Sri Lanka on the transition to organic agriculture on 20 July 2021 at the BayWa Headquarters in Munich.

Ambassador Unambuwe discusses organic fertilizer production

Cresonia HKFAmbassador of Sri Lanka to Germany, HE Manori Unambuwe visited a farm outside Munich to study the methodology of converting manure to organic fertilizer, produced by HKF-Agrosystems AG. The process which is carried out in a mobile plant “MoRoPlant” treats the manure with various natural protein additives, in creating bio fertilizer.

Ambassador Unambuwe meets experts for organic agriculture in Frankfurt

FiBLAmbassador of Sri Lanka to Germany, Manori Unambuwe held extensive discussions with Dr. Robert Hermanowski Managing Director of The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Germany, Mr. Tobias Eisenring of FiBL Switzerland and Dr. Uli Zerger, Managing Director of the Foundation of Ecology and Agriculture (SÖL) to obtain support for Sri Lanka in its transition to organic agriculture, on 19 July in Frankfurt.