Last update:Tue, 07 Jan 2025

Reminder: Fifth Embassy Webinar on the theme of "Sustainable Supply Chains and Due Diligence Laws in the Organic Agriculture Sector” scheduled for 24 January 2022

Webinar5 1REMINDER to register for the 5th of the series of webinars organized by the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Germany in collaboration with Export Development Board of Sri Lanka and Import Promotion Desk of Berlin on the topic of "Sustainable Supply Chains and Due Diligence Laws in the Organic Agriculture Sector” scheduled for 24 January 2022 from 1530 Hrs (IST) (1100 Hrs CET) onwards .

Consular Services to Sri Lankan Citizens in Germany from 1st January 2022

Crest4WebsiteFollowing the decision of the Government of Sri Lanka to close down the Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Frankfurt, the provision of consular services by the Consulate will cease from 31 st  December 2021. However, the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Berlin will continue to serve Sri Lankan citizens in Germany uninterruptedly covering the jurisdictions of all Federal States of Germany including the jurisdictions which came under the purview of the Consulate General.

Webinar: "Sustainable Supply Chains and Due Diligence Laws in the Organic Agriculture Sector"

Webinar5 1REGISTER for the 5th of the series of webinars organized by the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Germany in collaboration with Export Development Board of Sri Lanka and Import Promotion Desk of Berlin on the topic of " Sustainable Supply Chains and Due Diligence Laws in the Organic Agriculture Sector” scheduled for 24 January 2022 from 1530 Hrs (IST) (1100 Hrs CET) onwards. Please register through link below before 21.01.2022.

Receptionist / Typist wanted

crest 380 250Published: 23.12.2021
Working hours: full time
Entry date: from 02/01/2022
Place of work: Berlin

Job Description

Facilitation of Swift Entry for All Arrivals to Sri Lanka

HealthArrivalAs per the latest directive issued on 09 December 2021, by the Director General of Health Services of Sri Lanka all Sri Lankan and Foreign nationals travelling to Sri Lanka will have to complete the online Health Declaration Form prior to their arrival in the country. The facility is introduced with an intention to ensure swift entry for all arrivals. The online Health Declaration Form could be accessed through the link below

Joint Business Forum to Facilitate Sri Lanka’s Sustainable Organic Agriculture Initiative

AgriBusinessForumFollowing the pursuit to support Sri Lanka’s policy to move towards sustainable organic agriculture through enhanced private sector engagement, a virtual Business Forum was recently held on the theme of ‘Sourcing agricultural inputs from Germany to strengthen Sri Lanka’s path towards sustainable and organic agriculture.

Ambassador Manori Unambuwe presents Credentials to the President of the Republic of North Macedonia

AmbPendarovskiHE Manori Unambuwe, the Ambassador of Sri Lanka in Germany presented Letters of Credence to HE Stevo Pendarovski, the President of the Republic of North Macedonia accrediting her as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sri Lanka to North Macedonia with residence in Berlin on 24 November 2021 at a ceremony held at the Office of the President in Skopje.