Last update:Tue, 07 Jan 2025

New passport in lieu of a damaged Sri Lanka passport

Please note that everybody who visits the Sri Lanka Embassy in Berlin for consular work *must have a prior appointment from the Embassy*. You can obtain prior appointments only through Email to https://appointments.srilanka-botschaft.de/.

Please also note that the Embassy will contact Sri Lankan citizens in Germany for status update of their applications only through above mentioned contact points. The Sri Lanka Embassy in Berlin *will not take the responsibility for any communication sent from other contact points*.

If your passport is damaged, it is the responsibility of the holder (owner) of passport to inform the concerned authorities immediately and to obtain a new passport. Never use a damaged passport for travel.


Documents required for application of new passport in lieu of expired passport:

1) Passport Applications: FORM K (IM35)
2) To include children in passport: FORM C in addition to above FORM K (IM35)
3) Supporting documents as listed under "how to submit your application form"

How to submit your application:

  • Personally submit your documents to the nearest Sri Lanka Diplomatic Mission or Consulate. Postal applications are not accepted.
  • Sri Lankan Diplomatic Mission or Consulate shall transmit to the Immigration Department in Sri Lanka the details of the damaged passport. Upon receipt of such information, we will take necessary measures to cancel the damaged passport.
  • Verification photograph and applicant’s signature could be attested by an officer at the Mission when you hand-in the application personally. Place your signature on both cages in the presence of the officer at the Mission. 
  • It is necessary to bring all the documents listed under the Supporting Documents section. Incomplete documents may result in the application being delayed or declined 
  • Validity of Sri Lankan passports can be extended for a maximum of ten (10) years from the date of issue. After the 10-year expiry of the passport, a new passport must be obtained. Passports are issued by the Controller of Immigration & Emigration in Colombo, Sri Lanka and NOT by the Sri Lanka Mission in Germany. 
  • All passport applications accepted by the Mission are sent to Colombo for issue of machine readable passports. When the new passport is received from Colombo at this Mission, it will be duly forwarded to the applicant. IF: the application and supporting documents are in order, this complete process approximately takes three to six months. IF NOT, or if Sri Lanka I&E requires further details: the Mission will contact the applicant as required. In this case the process may take longer
  • To facilitate efficient processing of all applications, we kindly request you to cooperate with the Mission and submit all required details and documents at the time of application
  • Please ensure that all documents are in English or accompanied by an English translation.


How to apply for a new passport in lieu of a damaged Sri Lankan passport

Applicants must come to the Mission personally to hand over the passport application. Applications for new passport in lieu of lost/damaged passport cannot be submitted by post. Carefully read and follow the instructions on this page.

1.) Obtain an application form from the Embassy in Berlin

By Post: Please send a request letter with self-addressed stamped envelope to the Mission in Germany. Envelope size 23 cm x 10 cm (9 x 4 inches). Please state your purpose of application, name, address and phone number in the request letter. Please observe that applicants are requested to use suitable courier services for sending / receiving their passports and documents, as there have been cases of lost packages in the mail during the past months. This mission won't cover any guarantees for lost passports and documents in the mail.

Internet: Application forms in English, and instructions in Sinhala, Tamil and English are available in the Download Section of this website.

2.) Instructions of filling the application forms

(a) Form K, duly completed according to following:

- Applicants are advised to carefully read the given instructions before completing the form.
- Present postal address and telephone number in Germany at cage 5 on Page 1
- Verification photograph and applicant’s signature could be attested by an officer at the Mission when handing in the application personally.
- Place applicant's signature on two(2) cages provided on Page 2. You can sign in the presence of the officer at the Mission. Please note that your writing should not touch the borders of the cage.
- Place applicant's signature at bottom on Page 2.

(b) Photo of applicant

- One application needs 3 identical photos.
- Please read the instructions given on the form.
- Photo size for main applicant is 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm without the white border
- One of the photographs should be pasted on Page 1. And 2 photos should be pasted on Page 2- Photographs should be 'direct face' and both ears must be completely visible
- Please do not write or mark anything on the photographs
- Photographs should have been taken within the last three (3) months. Photographs taken more than three months ago will not be accepted

(c) To endorse the child/children in above passport submit Form C

- Submit Form C duly completed with Form K (above)
- This Form C is applicable for deletion of names of children as well
- You need three (3) colour photographs of each child who is to be included in passport
- Photo size 2.5 cm x 3 cm without the white border
- Write the names of child/children on the reverse side of all three photos
- The photos should be submitted with the application
- Verification photograph and applicant's signature should be attested according to the given instructions


3) List of Supporting Documents Required for Damaged Passports

I. 2 Copies of the lost passport and previous passports (if applicable.)
II. Original Birth Certificate of applicant with a photocopy
III. The National Identity Card or Driving Licence of Sri Lanka with a photocopy

IV. Original Birth Certificate issued by a Sri Lankan Mission abroad or which is taken within six months from the birth register department in Sri Lanka
V. Original or certified copy of visa in Germany with a validity period 1 to 3 months
VI. An affidavit signed by certified Notary explaining the circumstances as to how the passport was damaged. The letter should mention how, when and where the passport came to be altered/tampered with or defaced. The signature of the Notary in the affidavit should be certified.
VII. If the above affidavit is in German or in any other foreign language – you should submit English translation of the affidavit done by a sworn translator
VIII. Original identification documents and visa documents which you possess now. Please submit all visa cards, visa letters and temporary personal/travel documents issued by authorities in Germany or other countries A letter from the German Ausländeramt to confirm that you have not surrendered your passport to the Ausländeramt and/or that you have not applied for a German travel document and you are eligible to legal residency in Germany (visa).
IX. A letter from the German Ausländeramt to confirm that you are eligible to legal residency in Germany (visa). The letter must state your current visa status, whether you have surrendered your passport to the Ausländeramt and/or that you have not applied for a German travel document
X. Self-addressed and stamped envelope (Envelope size 23 cm x 10 cm or 9 x 4 inches). If applicant needs an acknowledgement of the application, another self-addressed and stamped. Please observe that applicants are requested to use suitable courier services for sending / receiving their passports and documents, as there have been cases of lost packages in the mail during the past months. This mission won't cover any guarantees for lost passports and documents in the mail.
XI. Application fees in cash to be paid at the counter. For actual fees, please check 5. Fees and Payment.

4.) Biometrics

As per Sri Lanka Immigration & Emigration Act of No. 20 of 1948 as amended by Act No. 07 of 2015, it is mandatory to collect the Bio Metrics from all the passport applicants.

Accordingly, all applicants have to provide their Bio Metrics – Finger Prints to Sri Lanka Immigration & Emigration.

In this context, it is mandatory that those applying for passports through Sri Lanka Missions Abroad on or after 1st January 2018 should provide biometrics to the Department of Immigration & Emigration upon their first entry to Sri Lanka. The applicant's departure from Sri Lanka will only be allowed if they comply with this requirement.

5.) Fees and Payment

Fees: >>>>

Bank details: >>>>

Please Note: 

To facilitate efficient processing of all applications, we kindly request you to cooperate with the Mission and submit all required details and documents at the time of application.Incomplete documents may result in the application being delayed or declined.