Last update:Wed, 02 Oct 2024


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This website was designed with utmost care. However, still no liability can be accepted for the contained information being accurate and free of errors . Any liability for damages directly or indirectly resulting from the use of this website is excluded, as long as these do not result out of negligence or intent.

If there are any external links to websites operated by third parties, the Embassy of Sri Lanka does not accept liability for the contents of those websites. If such links should lead to illegal and/or morally or ethically reprehensible contents, we disassociate explicitly from those information on offer.

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Responsible for the website www.srilanka-botschaft.de is the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Berlin.


Botschaft von Sri Lanka in Berlin
Niklasstrasse 19
14163 Berlin
Telefon:  +49 (0) 30 - 80 90 97 49 
Telefax: +49 (0) 30 - 80 90 97 57


Copyright © 2012-2024 Embassy of Sri Lanka, Berlin (Germany).