Last update:Tue, 07 Jan 2025

Birth Registration

Please note that everybody who visits the Sri Lanka Embassy in Berlin for consular work must have a prior appointment from the Embassy. You can obtain prior appointments only through the application appointments.srilanka-botschaft.de..

Forms and Documents

A birth of a child born in Germany may be registered by the parents (Sri Lankan Citizens) at the Embassy in Germany  on production of the following documents:

  1. The child's original Birth Certificate issued by the Local authority with 03 photocopies.
  2. Original Marriage Certificate of the parents with 03 photocopies (English Translations are not accepted).
  3. Passports of Parents at the time of birth of the child with 03 Photocopies (Data, Visa, Renewal Pages & Endorsement if any)
  4. Parent Original Birth Certificate with 03 Photocopies.
  5. Explanation letter for not registering the birth of the child, if the registration is not done within 03 months of the birth in 03 copies.
  6. The mother or the father should be citizens of Sri Lanka at the time of the birth.

Applicants who come for citizenship services are required to bring two (2) photocopies of the relevant documents necessary for passports, birth registrations and name changes after divorce or marriage.

The undermentioned forms should be filled and signed by the father or the mother of the child for each child, which are attached hereto:

  1. Form "Application for Registration of Birth outside Sri Lanka"
  2. Form Ceylon Citizenship Act No. 18 of 1948 in duplicate (Please get a photocopy from the original.)
  3. Form Declaration of Birth under Section 16 in duplicate. (Form B4 is required when registration is done within 03 months of birth of child.)
  4. Form Declaration of birth under Section 24 in duplicate. (Form B6 is required when registration is done after 03 months of the birth of child.)
  5. Declaration of Citizenship by father or the mother of the child in triplicate. 
  6. Birth Registration Form to be signed by the applicant.
  7. 03 photographs of the child (size 2.5 cm x 3.0 cm). The photographs are not required for the birth registration when the registration takes place within 03 months of the birth of the child. In such cases, two witnesses with Sri Lankan passports are required.

Registration Fees

Fees: >>>>
Bank details: >>>>

Two self-addressed envelopes with stamps to the value of EURO 4.50 for each child should be forwarded along with your application.


Birth Registration will be done only by appointment and on applicant being present at the Embassy in Berlin or the Consulate General in Frankfurt. If a child is born to unmarried parents or before the marriage of parents an affidavit should be signed by the father of the child before a Diplomatic officer (Justice of the Peace) of the Embassy in addition to the above-mentioned requirements for which an additional fee of EURO 31/= is charged.
As a general rule the name of the child will be endorsed in the mother's passport only. However, under special circumstances the name of the child will be endorsed in the father's passport provided the mother's consent is given in writing.

Please note that photographs of children cannot be endorsed in "N"-series passports, which have been issued after April 2006. Parents should obtain separate passports for those children.