Last update:Tue, 07 Jan 2025

Invitation to Vesak Fest 2021

Einladung zum Vesak Fest 2021Dear Friends,

The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Germany is organizing a virtual Vesak Fest
on Thursday, 27th May 2021 from 17.15 p.m. to 18.30 p.m.
We invite you to kindly join this programme via the below Google meet link

*Video call link: https://meet.google.com/iuf-wkne-akc

*Or dial: ‪(DE) +49 40 8081619294‬ PIN: ‪112 956 968‬#*

International Tea Day 21st May 2021

TeaDayThe Embassy of Sri Lanka is taking this opportunity to celebrate the International Tea Day on 21st May 2021 and would like to draw the attention of all friends of Sri Lanka again to Pure Ceylon Tea.

Eid Mubarak!

Eid 4 WebWishing you a blessed Eid!

Request for applications for the post of Receptionist / Secretary

EmblemThe Embassy of Sri Lanka in Berlin is looking for a highly motivated person for the embassy team as receptionist and secretary and would welcome applications of suitable candidates.

Please find the complete job advertisement on the pages of the Federal Labour Agency under the following LINK

Press Release - MoU signed between ICTA Sri Lanka and enpact e.V, Germany to collaborate between startup ecosystems and Webinar on AgriTech and WaterTech

Press Release - MoU signed between ICTA Sri Lanka and enpact e.V, Germany to collaborate between startup ecosystems and Webinar on AgriTech and WaterTech.

Press Release - Webinar on ‘German Sri Lankan Economic Relations: Maritime Industry and Digitalization Trends’

Webinar25032021A webinar on “German Sri Lankan Economic Relations: Maritime Industry and Digitalization Trends”, jointly organized by the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Germany, the German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) and the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce (AHK) in Sri Lanka was held on 25 March 2021.

Press Release - Embassy of Sri Lanka in Germany celebrates the 73rd Anniversary of Independence of Sri Lanka

Nada21 1Embassy   of   Sri   Lanka   in   Berlin   celebrated   the   73rd   anniversary   of   the Independence of Sri Lanka on 4 February 2021 at the Embassy premises with the participation of Honorary Consuls of Sri Lanka in Germany, representatives of the Sri Lankan associations and the staff of the Embassy. In view of the prevailing pandemic related restrictions, the programme was streamed live via Facebook, enabling the Diplomatic corps in Germany, Sri Lankan community and friends of Sri Lanka across Germany to join the Independence Day celebrations.