Last update:Tue, 07 Jan 2025

Farewell Luncheon for Ambassador Sarath Kongahage hosted by the Foreign Office

Farewell WebThe German Federal Foreign Ministry hosted a luncheon at the fashionable “Bocca di Bacco”-restaurant in the centre of Berlin to bid farewell for Ambassador Sarath Kongahage on the conclusion of his tour of duty as Sri Lankan Ambassador for Germany.

Present were among others Mr. Peter Pruegel, Regional Director of the Foreign Office for Asia and the Pacific, Mr. Fabian Richter, Desk Officer for Sri Lanka at the Foreign Office, and Mr. Jens Ploetner, former German Ambassador to Sri Lanka and current Head of Office of the Federal Foreign Minister.

Sri Lanka’s Smile – Photographic Exhibition by Knut Stritzke in Leipzig, Germany

Stritzke1 webThe Grassi Ethnological Museum in Leipzig has inaugurated a photographic Exhibition named “Sri Lankas Lächeln” – Sri Lanka’s smile – on 23rd May 2014 and will host this exhibition up to  23rd August 2014. The Exhibition consists of photographs taken by the renowned German Photographer Knut Stritzke and shows a series of portraits and landscape impressions of Sri Lanka.

Deputy Minister of External Affairs Neomal Perera officiates Sri Lanka Honorary Consulate in Zurich, Switzerland

OpeningCH1 webAfter his appointment as Sri Lanka Honorary Consul for the Zurich Canton in March 2014 under the guidance of the Sri Lanka Embassy in Berlin, Vidarshana Munasinghe has arranged a series of events officiating his functions.

3rd Swiss Sri Lanka Business and Investment Forum 2014

Zurich1 webThe Embassy of Sri Lanka in Germany in collaboration with the Swiss Asian Chamber of Commerce, Switzerland successfully concluded the 3rd Swiss Sri Lanka Business and Investment Forum 2014 on the 12th June 2014 at the Zurich Yacht Club in Zurich, Switzerland.  After the end of the 30 years of long conflict in Sri Lanka, the Swiss based industrialists and financial houses present at the forum have shown an increasing interest in Sri Lanka's investment and business opportunities.  Because of the conducive environment after the end of the conflict in the country, Sri Lanka has become the most popular destination focus for their businesses among all other emerging economies of the world.

Sri Lanka wins Second Place among 84 Nations and Organizations at Carnival of Cultures in Berlin

DSC 0661 WebThe Sri Lankan Association in Berlin has achieved one of the most prestigious place among the nations in the international city of Berlin by achieving the Second Place at the Carnival of Cultures, which was held on the 8th June 2014 in the streets of Berlin. This event is viewed by millions alongside the route of the procession and also by millions of Europeans over live-telecast by leading German channels. The Sri Lankan Association was greatly assisted by the Sri Lankan Mission in Berlin with the generous contribution from the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau and the Sri Lanka Tea Board.

Press Release - Ambassador Sarrath Kongahage visits Swiss Canton of Neuchatel

Switzerland2014 1 webOn invitation by the Swiss President of the Confederation, Didier Burkhalter, the diplomatic corps accredited in Switzerland undertook a visit to the republic and canton of Neuchatel in Switzerland. H.E. Sarath Kongahage, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Germany, was part of the delegation including Mr. Burkhalter and his spouse Mrs. Friedrun Sabine Burkhalter.

Wesak Celebration at the Buddhist Temple in Berlin

Vesak1 WebOn 11th May 2014, a Wesak celebration and almsgiving took place at the Buddhist Temple in Berlin organized on behalf of the German Dharmaduta Society, Colombo, by Mr. Tissa Weeraratna, vice-president of the society, with the cooperation of Sri Lanka Embassy in Berlin.