Last update:Thu, 05 Sep 2024

Hon. Tilak Marapana assumes duties as Minister of Foreign Affairs

ForMin1Hon. Tilak Marapana, Minister of Development Assignments assumed duties at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Friday 18 August 2017.

ForMin2Minister Marapana was received by the Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Prasad Kariyawasam and senior staff upon arrival at the Ministry.

Mr. Prasad Kariyawasam assumes duties as Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Prasad KariyawasamFollowing his appointment by President Maithripala Sirisena on 29 July as Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prasad Kariyawasam assumed duties yesterday morning, Tuesday 15 August 2017.

Dengue Epidemic in Sri Lanka successfully brought under control

StopDengueThe Dengue Epidemic, that has become a concern in Sri Lanka for the past few months, has been successfully brought under control by the measures taken by the relevant government authorities and a collective effort of the general public alike, Sri Lanka Tourism confirms. Reported cases have dropped by 35-40% since mid-July according to the sources of Ministry of Health. Regular campaigns were implemented to educate the public and clean-up areas, and other preventive measures have been taking place to control the spreading of the disease under guidance and surveillance of the Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka.

Special Notice

Crest4WebsiteThe disadvantaged persons who need to recover their immovable property including land due to 30 year armed conflict in Sri Lanka can claim their rights until 26.04.2018..

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Statement by the Cabinet of Ministers on National Reconciliation Policy

SLRecThe National Unity Government, headed by President Maithripala Sirisena reaffirm commitment, in accordance with the mandates received from the people at the Presidential elections in January and Parliamentary elections of August 2015, to ensure that our nation never again returns to a conflict-ridden past, and instead resolve to guide our nation towards reconciliation, sustainable peace, and economic progress. Communal, ethnic and religious hatred and violence, and impunity have no place in the society that we strive to build.