Last update:Tue, 07 Jan 2025

Working group of school from Isernhagen supports health care in Sri Lanka

Renzie Medical ProjectISERNHAGEN. There is no need for mentioning the fact that Sri Lanka and Isernhagen maintain a special relationship thanks to the immensely dedicated working group at the Gymnasium in Altwarmbüchen. For years there have been regular exchange programmes, fixed fundraising dates, such as the concert of the Capella Conveniensis or the Run for Help.

What cannot be mentioned often enough, however, is the importance of these initiatives: 13 Isernhageners are currently visiting the island state. There are not only there for cross-cultural communication, but also to see what has been implemented with their donations on the ground.

All Sunday long, the high school students accompanied by their teacher Manfred Möller visited a medical screening in Negombo. By doing so, they cared about the health of their friends from Sri Lanka.

A little nausea, headache or stomach ache: for seeing a doctor you do not need to have a serious illness. Doctors are everywhere, the health insurance pays for them. That is how it is in Germany. This is what the eleven high school students from Isernhagen, who are currently with their teachers Florian Pini and Manfred Möller for student exchange in Sri Lanka, are used to. There, they noticed not only cultural differences.

The Isernhageners learned the fact that medical care cannot be taken for granted there and certainly not if it is preventative during the course of last Sunday. They visited a medical screening, which has become possible thanks to the donations from Germany. Ten doctors were present to examine people for free during one day and to provide, if necessary, medication.

Eight hundred to 1000 partly very poor citizens of Sri Lanka took the opportunity to have their blood pressure measured and to have their blood sugar and cholesterol checked. An eyesight test was also offered. "It is a special experience for our students to see what is being done with the donations," said Möller.

In addition to donations, there were also very practical donations in kind from Isernhagen: last year, more than 450 spectacles from the municipality were sent to Sri Lanka. No wonder that the minibus with which the doctors are travelling now to the delight of students and their teachers bears the notice:
" Supported by Gymnasium Isernhagen, Germany".

Source: Carina Bahl, Nordhannoversche Zeitung, 8th April 2014