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Sri Lanka targets the growing European market for organic food products at BIOFACH 2023, Germany

Biofach2023 4A delegation from Sri Lanka participated at the ‘BIOFACH’ Trade Fair, world’s largest annual organic food products trade show, held from 14 to 17 February 2023 in Nuremberg, Germany. This annual trade fair held since 1990 attracts food industry professionals from across the world. This year, 2,765 exhibitors from 95 countries participated in the trade fair. The fair was also attended by 36,000 trade visitors from 135 countries. Germany is one of the largest organic food markets in the world and BIOFACH figures show that the organic sector recorded revenues of €15.3 billion for the German organic market in 2022. In Europe, Germany is the largest market for organic products as well as the largest organic producer. In addition, veganism is increasingly popular in Germany creating export opportunities for meat and dairy substitutes as well as breakfast foods.

Biofach2023 1Sri Lanka’s business delegation to BIOFACH 2023, comprising thirteen Sri Lankan companies, was led by Mr. Suresh De Mel, Chairman of the Export Development Board (EDB). The country pavilion of Sri Lanka showcased certified organic agricultural products such as spices, coconut-based products, tea, fresh fruits and vegetables, beverages, herbal products and dried fruits. The inauguration of the Sri Lanka Pavilion was attended by Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Germany, H.E. Ms. Varuni Muthukumarana and EDB Chaiman Mr. Suresh De Mel.

The Sri Lankan companies at BIOFACH 2023 benefitted from the exposure at the trade fair which provided a forum for producers, exporters, and buyers of organic products to meet business partners, observe new trends and technological developments. The participation of the Sri Lankan companies at BIOFACH 2023 was facilitated by the EDB, Import Promotion Desk (IDP) of the German Government and the Sri Lanka Embassy in Berlin. In parallel to BIOFACH 2023, nine Sri Lankan companies took part in a study tour of Germany and Netherlands organized by the EDB and GIZ, the German government’s service provider in the field of international cooperation.

Biofach2023 2Sri Lanka’s organic food exports have emerged as a promising sector and the country has maintained a reputation in organic crop production and exports different varieties of organic products adhering to international standards. Sri Lanka is considered a pioneer in the Asian region championing organically certified tea and cinnamon in the world market. In April 2022, Sri Lanka was awarded its first Geographical Indication (GI) certification for Ceylon Cinnamon by the European Union. The organic food export sector is an important driver of sustainable development and job creation, particularly in rural areas.

Biofach2023 3The IPD regional office in Sri Lanka was established in 2022 funded by the Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). With the aim of promoting fresh and natural product groups, IPD identifies suitable exporters and tour operators in selected developing and emerging countries to integrate the partner countries into international trade. Sri Lanka is one of sixteen partner countries chosen by IPD to support SME companies. Sri Lanka is also one of four IPD Hubs where regional offices are maintained with the others being at Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador and Uzbekistan. In Sri Lanka, IPD partners with the Export Development Board. For BIOFACH 2023, the IPD regional office provided financial assistance for the participation of select Sri Lankan exhibitors. Workshops for exhibitors were organized by the IPD and EDB to improve their networking and marketing skills at the trade fair. Next year’s BIOFACH’ Trade Fair is scheduled to be held from 13-16th February 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany.

Embassy of Sri Lanka, Berlin, 23rd February 2023