Last update:Thu, 05 Sep 2024

The Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey to Sri Lanka from 14-16 June 2016

Visit of Turkeys Foreign Affairs Minister to Sri Lanka 2016The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, visited Sri Lanka from 14-16 June 2016, on an invitation extended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mangala Samaraweera. This is the first visit of a Foreign Minister of Turkey to Sri Lanka, and will therefore mark the beginning of forgoing stronger relations between the two countries.

Minister Amunugama meets senior officials of Friedrich Naumann Foundation.

FNSt2During the recent visit to Berlin, Dr.Sarath Amunugama, Minister of Special Assignments met senior officials of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) to discuss ways to strengthen cooperation between Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Sri Lanka. Dr. Amunugama said that Friedrich Naumann Foundation was actively involved in Sri Lanka during past few decades and appreciated re-establishment of its cooperation activities in Sri Lanka. Emphasizing that FNF could assist with its programme to the vision of the new government particularly in the area of good governance, democracy and national reconciliation.

Minister of Megapolis and Western Province visits Berlin

1RanawakaAt the invitation of the German Bundestag (Parliament), Minister for Megapolis and Western Development Patali Champika Ranawaka, visited Germany and addressed the First (1st) German - Asian Economic Dialogue on 27th April 2016 at Deutsche Parlamenarische Gesellschaft of the German Bundestag.

Friedrich Naumann Foundation resumes project work in Sri Lanka

kooperationsabkommen fnf sri lanka 07 04 2016Almost two years after the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom had to close its office in Sri Lanka it has taken up its project work again. On invitation of Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera, Ulrich Niemann, Head of the Foreign Department of the Foundation, and Chitranganee Wageeswara, State Secretary in the Foreign Ministry of Sri Lanka, exchanged the cooperation agreement. “The experience and expertise of the foundation is of great value for the reform process in Sri Lanka,” Deputy Foreign Minister Harsha de Silva said. “We are happy that the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is here again.”

Acting Foreign Minister meets Members of German-South Asia Parliamentary Friendship Group

GermanParliamentaryFriendshipGroupVisit.jpg 1Actg. Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Harsha de Silva, received today Members of German-South -Asia Parliamentary Friendship Group at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who were on an official tour from 6-9 April 2016 in Sri Lanka. The delegation comprised of parliamentarians representing the Social Democratic Party and the Christian Democratic Union.

Appointment of Secretary-General to the Secretariat for Coordinating Reconciliation Mechanisms

Mano thiththawellaMr. Mano Tittawella has been appointed as the Secretary-General of the Secretariat for Coordinating Reconciliation Mechanisms. Mr. Tittawella has a distinguished record of dynamic public and private sector leadership at the highest levels.

Online Submissions for Design of Reconciliation Mechanism Now Live

Consultations Task Force on Reconciliaton MechanismsThe Consultations Task Force on Reconciliation Mechanisms, appointed by the Prime Minister, has opened online submissions in order to seek the views of stakeholders, experts and the general public on the design of the reconciliation mechanisms.