Last update:Wed, 08 May 2024

New Year Reception in Frankfurt

businessdiplomacy1The President of the Deutsch-Asiatischer Wirtschaftskreis (DAW), Honorary Consul General Bodo Krüger, in his address on occasion of the New Year Reception of his organization referred to the challenges for the Asian states among others in the year 2013, elections in some countries, doubling of the population until 2030, necessity of investment in the protection of the environment (for instance the air pollution in Beijing) and the traffic infrastructure (construction of new underground lines in cities with more than five million inhabitants.

Asia was the decisive market for Germany. However, this was countered by the tentative interest by the investors from Germany. Especially medium industries were in demand. The New Year Reception had been preceded by a Asia Pacific Forum focussing on the extension of the economic relations between Europe and Asia as well as the outlook of the economic and political collaboration between both continents in 2013.

businessdiplomacy2In the top picture Ambassador Suresh Pradhan of Nepal, Ambassador Sarrath Kongahage of Sri Lanka, Dr. Sarath Amunugama, Deputy Minister of Finance and Planning, Sri Lanka, Dr. Vu Huy Huang, Minister of Industry and Trade, Vietnam, Bodo Krüger, Honorary Consul General of Nepal and President of the Deutsch-Asiatischer Wirtschaftskreis e.V..

In the picture below the Hewisi-Band from Colombo, Sri Lanka

Source: Dr. Werner Giersch, Business & Diplomacy 01/2013