Last update:Wed, 08 May 2024

Media Release - Ambassdor Sarrath Kongahage participates at the Launch of new Brand Electric Car of BMW in Berlin

photo1BMW WebH.E. the Ambassador Sarrath Kongahage was present at the launch of a new brand electric car of BMW I3 in Berlin. The new brand I3 will be BMW's zero emission car and is expected to go into mass production in 2013. BMW announced that the electric car will have "REX" range extender option. The car manufacturer would also develop a lightweight eco-friendly urban electric car designed to address the mobility and sustainability need for people living in mega-cities.


photo2BMW WebDuring the occasion, the Ambassador met with Dr. Herbert Diess, Member of the Board of Management, and other officials of the BMW-group and stated that the new brand car is a solution for environmental concerns and fuel consumption and will have a potential market in Sri Lanka.


H.E. the Ambassador and Dr. Diess agreed to keep in contact to explore the market cooperation for the new brand car in future.

Embassy of Sri Lanka

Berlin, Germany.

29 October 2012