Last update:Wed, 08 May 2024

German Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle congratulates Ambassador Sarrath Kongahage on his 60th Birthday

AmbassadorAmbassador Sarrath Kongahage celebrated his 60th birthday on Monday, 25th June. On this occasion, Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle sent a letter of congratulation, wishing him all the best, good health, lots of luck and satisfaction for the coming year.


Germany and Sri Lanka were connected by a long and friendly cooperation, the Foreign Minister writes in his letter. "I follow the events in your homeland very attentively. After the end of the warring confrontation, the country has the historic opportunity to make use of its potential for the benefit of its citizens. We together with out partners would like to continue to support Sri Lanka with all our strength on its way to an internal pacification and reconciliation."


Concluding his letter, the Federal Foreign Minister wishes the Ambassador all the best and every success for his further task in Germany.