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Appeal to all Sri Lankans and well-wishers living in Sri Lanka and abroad by the Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka

CentralBankofSriLankaDeshamanya Professor W.D. Lakshman
Governor, Central Bank of Sri Lanka
30, Janadhipathi Mawatha, Colombo 1, Sri Lanka

02nd April 2020

Appeal to all Sri Lankans and well-wishers living in Sri Lanka and abroad: An Appeal made with the Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka invites all Sri Lankans and well-wishers living in Sri Lanka and abroad to consider depositing their savings and other funds in foreign currency within the Sri Lankan banking system - licensed commercial banks and specialized financial institutions – as a gesture of goodwill and assistance to Sri Lanka and its people during the three-month period commencing from April 2, 2020 in support of the wide-ranging national effort to safeguard the people from coronavirus, to bring its spread under control and to provide healthcare and social security to the people. Your foreign currency deposits in Sri Lankan banking system at this difficult stage will be of immense helpto authorities to tide over the present crisis.

We guarantee that your foreign currency deposits into the Sri Lankan banking system will be accepted without any hindrance from the government, the Central Bank or any government authority. We also guarantee the future convertibility of these deposits into foreign currency whenever you desire to do so. All your forex remittances will be exempted from exchange control regulations and taxes and protected under banking secrecy provisions.

Those appeal goes to all Sri Lankan expatriates abroad and those living in Sri Lanka with foreign currency holdings. The country welcomes remittance inflows to the banking system in Sri Lanka from them, as well as from charitable organizations, funds and well-wishers all over the world, with the well-being of Sri Lanka and its people in their hearts. Such remittances would go a long way to promote people’s welfare during the current period of still-spreading Covid-19, and economic revival in the immediate aftermath. This announcement and appeal is made following a decision of the Government of Sri Lanka made during the April 1 meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. The Cabinet has decided to suspend all restrictions on foreign currency inflows into Sri Lanka during Covid-19 preventive period, defined as the three (3) months commencing 2 April 2020.

Signed Prof. WD Lakshman, Governor and the Chairman of the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Signed SR Attygalle, Secretary to the Treasury and ex officio member of the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka