Last update:Wed, 08 May 2024

Media Release - Ambassador Sarrath Kongahage briefs State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr. Harald Braun

BraunAmbassador1H.E. Sarrath Kongahage met with Dr. Harald Braun, State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, at the Federal Foreign Office on 2nd August 2012.

German Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle congratulates Ambassador Sarrath Kongahage on his 60th Birthday

AmbassadorAmbassador Sarrath Kongahage celebrated his 60th birthday on Monday, 25th June. On this occasion, Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle sent a letter of congratulation, wishing him all the best, good health, lots of luck and satisfaction for the coming year.

Video on Sri Lankan Performance at Carnival of Cultures in Berlin

CarnivalOn Youtube, a video on the Sri Lankan performance at the Carnival of Cultures in Berlin in Sinhala language can be watched under http://youtu.be/p0dBI3P-8C4.

Press Release - Ambassador Sarrath Kongahage meets newly elected Schleswig-Holstein Minister President Torsten Albig at the “Kieler Woche”

ImageAmbassadorAlbigAmbassador Sarrath Kongahage met with the newly elected Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein Mr.Torsten Albig at the traditional sailing event "Kieler Woche", the largest sailing event in the world, which took place in Kiel, Germany from 20th to 22nd June 2012.

Ambassador Kongahage the new President of the Diplomatic Council (DC) – The Global Think Tank

ambassador diplomatic councilH.E. Sarrath Kongahage has been elected as the new President of the Diplomatic Council, an international think tank headquartered in The Hague / Netherlands. The fundamental objective of the Diplomatic Council is to encourage international relations among the peoples following the principles of the charter of the United Nations Organizations. Ambassador Sarrath Kongahage is the first Sri Lankan Ambassador to hold the stewardship of the prestigious Diplomatic Council.

First Swiss Sri Lanka Business and Investment Forums held in Geneva & Zurich in Switzerland on 11th and 12th of June 2012

Foto1The first Swiss Sri Lanka Business and Investment Forums were held in Geneva and Zurich on 11th and 12th June 2012 respectively. The events were organized by the Sri Lankan Embassy in Berlin/Germany with accreditation in Switzerland in coordination with the Swiss Asian Chamber of Commerce in Switzerland. This was an initiative to showcase Sri Lanka's investment & trade potentials to Swiss-based industrialists, financial houses and businessmen after the end of the long conflict on the island.